Friday 27 October 2023

Monster Mash or Cournot Nash?


Well, the season of Halloween is upon us and the music of the season is certainly something that we all have memories of over the years.  Of course, one of the most famous songs was Bobby “Boris” Pickett’s Monster Mash which was a smash hit in 1962.  This was his most famous song and later attempts to emulate its success were not as successful.  Nevertheless, it has inspired a host of replications and imitations ranging from this one on Sesame Street to this one or even this.   Well, I have been feeling particularly whimsical this week and in the spirit of the season, with a little help from my AI, I decided to see if I could adapt the lyrics to an economics theme - specifically a song about Cournot-Nash equilibrium.  After all, Monster Mash-Cournot Nash – they both have a certain lilt to them.  So, without further ado, take a look at the results.  Of course, please feel free to perform it, make a video and send it along!


In the land of game theory, where minds collide,
There was a concept, Cournot-Nash, they could not hide.
Firms strategized, each aiming to improve their gains,
Seeking equilibrium, where competition remains.

They did the Nash, they did the Cournot Nash,
The Cournot Nash, it was an equilibrium bash.
They did the Nash, it was a game theory smash,
The Cournot Nash, a most strategic clash.

Players in a market, with goods they'd supply,
In Cournot's world, they chose how much to magnify.
Each one anticipating, their rival's every move,
Balancing their choices, in a dance they would prove.

They did the Nash, they did the Cournot Nash,
The Cournot Nash, it was an equilibrium bash.
They did the Nash, it was a game theory smash,
The Cournot Nash, a most strategic clash.

Fierce competition, but still a sense of peace,
Cournot equilibrium, where conflicts find release.
Finding the optimal output, they would ascertain,
With profit maximization, the ultimate aim.

They did the Nash, they did the Cournot Nash,
The Cournot Nash, it was an equilibrium bash.
They did the Nash, it was a game theory smash,
The Cournot Nash, a most strategic clash.

So let's explore the strategies, in this grand parade,
Game theory teaches us, how choices are made.
In Cournot's footsteps, we can understand the game,
And dance to the beat of equilibrium's fame.

They did the Nash, they did the Cournot Nash,
The Cournot Nash, it was an equilibrium bash.
They did the Nash, it was a game theory smash,
The Cournot Nash, a most strategic clash.