Wednesday 28 December 2016

Research Chair Infrastructure in Northern Ontario Universities: A Quick Inventory

The end of the year is a good time for taking stock and research infrastructure is something worth considering.  The economic future in northern Ontario will be in services and the knowledge economy will feature heavily in this sector.  Creation of new knowledge and its application in the servicing of population needs as well as servicing the traditional transportation and resource sectors will be the future.   Northern Ontario universities are on the front line when it comes to research and the knowledge economy and they have been successful in boosting their research activity.  One measure of research success is their ability to attract funding for and then recruit research chairs. 

The role of a research chair is to boost research activity in a specific field or specialty by providing a faculty member with concrete resources to conduct their research as well as provide teaching release that enables them to focus more on their research.  A research chair can often be financed by the public sector:  for example, Canada Research Chairs.  They can also be from private donors as the result of fund raising activity by universities or by universities investing their own budgetary resources.

In the case of federal Canada Research Chairs (CRC), there are two types: Tier 1 Chairs, tenable for seven years and renewable, are for outstanding researchers acknowledged by their peers as world leaders in their fields. For each Tier 1 Chair, the university receives $200,000 annually for seven years. Tier 2 chairs, tenable for five years and renewable once, are for exceptional emerging researchers, acknowledged by their peers as having the potential to lead in their field. For each Tier 2 chair, the institution receives $100,000 annually for five years.

A list of research chairs at northern Ontario universities was compiled from the Canada Research Chair web site as well as university research pages and is presented at the end of this post.  Research chairs in northern Ontario universities are primarily dominated by CRCs.  There are 24 CRCs currently listed as being held at northern Ontario universities: 1 at Algoma, 10 at Lakehead, 9 at Laurentian and 4 at Nipissing.  Northern Ontario accounts for just under 2 percent of Canada’s population and holds just over 1 percent of CRCs.  As well, most of the CRCs held at northern Ontario universities are generally more junior Tier 2 Chairs.

Along with these 24 CRCs, there appear to be another 14 assorted research chairs listed on university websites as currently being held.  These are funded internally (for example a Lakehead University Research Chair), by the Ontario government (Ontario Research Chairs) or other funding agencies or resources (for example, Fednor or the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund).  These additional research chairs bring the total in northern Ontario up to 38.

What is conspicuous by their absence in this list of northern Ontario research chairs is private donor financed named chairs in which an endowment is donated to finance a named research chair in perpetuity.  This is something that is more common at much older, more established and more research-intensive universities. All these northern Ontario chairs ultimately rely on short-term financing, which once expired ends the chair meaning there is fragility to the current research chair infrastructure at these universities. 

A challenge for northern Ontario’s research future is for its universities to engage in efforts to attract larger endowments to fund more permanent research chairs.  This is of course a great challenge for any university in the current fund raising environment.  In general, the weaker economy in northern Ontario poses unique challenges that are reinforced by the absence of corporate headquarters in the region.  There are two other more specific challenges.

First, it is often easier to raise money for things rather than human resources.  Donors can see the outcome from a new building or piece of scientific equipment but it is more of a challenge but not impossible to sell a research chair.  Very often, private donors with a passion in a certain area of study will look for an opportunity to fund their passion.  Finding and building such relationships is a long-term investment of development office resources.

Second, given current conservative rates of return – circa 4 percent – it would take an endowment of four million dollars to generate $160,000 in income.  The salary, benefits and research funding such an amount can support at best means a relatively junior hire. It goes without saying that the fund-raising required to attract a more senior scholar near the top of their field is much more substantial.

Knowledge intensive economic activity will be the front edge of economic activity in northern Ontario.  The challenge for northern Ontario universities is to grow their investment in research activity with research chairs representing key anchor points in their research infrastructure.  Part of this growth must involve greater efforts to attract private donor funding to support those research chairs.


Algoma University
Canada Research Chairs

Antunes, Pedro         
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Plant and Tree Biology

Lakehead University
Canada Research Chairs

Chen, Aicheng           
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Analytical Chemistry

Fatehi, Pedram         
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Greenwood, David    
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Education

Levkoe, Charles        
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Geography

Mushquash, Christopher    
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Health Psychology

Rakshit, Sudip
Tier 1, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Rennie, Michael D.    
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Evolution and Ecology

Reznik, Alla    
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Physics

Sameshima, Pauline
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Education

Tocheri, Matthew W.            
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Anthropology

Other Research Chairs

Dr. Peter Hollings, Geology, Lakehead University Research Chair in Geochemistry and Ore Deposits (2017-2019)

Dr. Sandra Jeppesen, Lakehead University Research Chair in Transformative Media and Social Movements (2017-2019)

Dr. Kristin Burnett, Department of Indigenous Learning: Lakehead University Research Chair in Indigenous Health and Well-Being (2014-2017)

Dr. Doug Morris, Department of Biology, Research Chair in Northern Studies

Dr. Mitchell S. Albert, Department of Chemistry, Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute, Chair in Molecular Imaging and Advanced diagnostics

Dr. Lew Christopher, Director of the Biorefining Research Institute and Senior Ontario Research Chair

Laurentian University
Canada Research Chairs

Basiliko, Nathan        
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Soil Science

Crozier, Gillian          
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Philosophy

Gunn, John    
Tier 1, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Evolution and Ecology

Kraus, Christine       
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Astronomy and Astrophysics

Merritt, Thomas       
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Molecular Biology

Schinke, Robert        
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Other in SSH

Schulte-Hostedde, Albrecht
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Evolution and Ecology

Walker, Jennifer       
Tier 2, Health Health Services Research – General

Ye, Zhibin      
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Other Research Chairs

Dr. Doug Boreham
Radiation and Health

Dr. Greg Ross
FedNor Algae and Environment

Dr. Michael Lesher
Mineral Exploration

Dr. Nadia Mykytzuk
NOHFC - Biomining, Bioremediation and Science Communication

Dr. Nancy Young
(No Specification)

Dr. Serge Miville
Franco-Ontarian History

Dr. Sheldon Tobe
HSF/NOSM Chair in Aboriginal and Rural Health

Dr. Tammy Eger
Occupational Health and Safety

Nipissing University
Canada Research Chairs

Bruner, Mark
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Psychosocial Behavioural Research - General

Greer, Kirsten           
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Geography

James, April   
Tier 2, Natural Sciences and Engineering  Hydrology

Zarifa, David
Tier 2, Social Sciences and Humanities, Sociology