Sunday 18 December 2016

Recognition for Economic Blogging

Some news worth sharing.  As you know, I have been involved for a number of years now as a contributor to the economics blog  Worthwhile Canadian Initiative along with my colleagues Stephen Gordon, Nick Rowe and Frances Woolley.  I have always considered our mix of macro, finance, health, social policy and economic policy posts to be Canada's premier economics blog.  However, we also make a mark internationally.  Recently, Feedspot has announced that Worthwhile Canadian Initiative is one of its top 100 Economics Blogs!  We have also made the list of top 100 Economics Blogs for 2016 done by Intelligent Economist.  Moreover, global consulting firm Focus Economics has informed us that recognition is coming our way with their list of top economics blogs coming out in January 2017.  Congratulations to my colleagues on WCI and looking forward to another year of great posts in 2017.

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